
Showing posts from November, 2019

Parachutes in the making!

We have started making our parachutes for Mr. and Mrs. Iggy! We are using a range of different materials from plastic bags to egg cartons to silage plastic! Stay tuned to find out if they survive the drop.... we'll have to wait and see tomorrow if they are a success.

Science Week

This week is Science Week and Rang a Ceathair are in the process of designing parachutes for Mr. and Mrs. Iggy to help land them softly to the bottom of the stairs. We are only in the planning and construction stages so stay tuned to see if Mr. and Mrs. Iggy survive their parachute jump!

Happy Halloween

On the day of the mid term break we all got the chance to dress up for Halloween. We had some very creative ideas in Rang a Ceathair from the Cookie Monster to a Washing Machine! Ms. Coombes even joined in the fun dressing up as a sheep.We also enjoyed a school disco and quiz! Well done to Tom who was on the winning team. Take a look at our scary outfits...